Sunday 27 May 2007


All’s well that ends well. All your messages have been found & read and the people asking for help rescued… I hope.

Now imagine you are the one who has found the bottle. You don’t need it any more. What you are going to do with it?

Post a short comment. Be creative.

If you need any tips you can go to;

or even

or find another interesting web page on the internet.

Your comments are due on 7 June.


Unknown said...


A couple of years ago me and my friend were playing next to the water. A couple of feet away we wanted to make a lake. We started digging the sand. When we were digging for a while we hit something hard. We were interested what was that thing so we quickly dug the sand around it. We discovered that it was an old bottle. It looked very valuable to us and we thought that it might be from the roman times. We quickly carried it home and asked our mum what it was we found out that it was just an ordinary bottle thrown away by some drunken person. And then all sad we took the bottle to the recycle bin to never see it again.

Domen Štebe

Mary said...

Well done, Domen.

Jure_FireM@n_4.Ra said...

I've found this bottle and now i'm going to write another message, and send it forward, so that a chain of messages will be created. Everybody will have to write his/her name and email address on the contact list. In this way a gang of friends will be formed... We may also meet one day... I hope nobody will break it!
Well, I could recycle it as you suggested but I find looking for and finding friends in this way amusing and interesting. I may even try during my summer holidays at the seaside...

matej said...

Jus a bottle,
the best thin you can do, is to throw away in basket for glass recycling. Bath be creative, one men even made a house of a used bottles or a funny vehicle.
Matej Kordež

niki said...

If I found a bootle, I'll carried home. I would ask my father if he needs for a wine or for other alcoholic beverage. If he wouldn't need it, I would ask my mother if she needs a vase for some ornament. If she wanted it for vase, I would decorated with colours or drawn something. If none would need it, I would throw it to a basket for bottles.

eloel said...
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eloel said...

One day I went home from a party and I found a bottle I checked it for some alcohol but I didn't find any I just found some dirty paper so I threw it away in to some window. Then a guy came yelling at me and I kicked his a**. Then I went home.

One night I was walking thowards a bar wasted and drunk I found a bottle on the street I was like zomg this is a good weapon and I have put it in my jacket next to my chainsaw and my axe.
Then I went in to the bar and I found this girl she was hot and I was like ZOMG your hot and she was like omg I have a boyfriend and then her boyfriend came and I had to use my axe and my chainsaw but then I finished him with the bottle.
Then I got the girl.

By Janez Papler

jure said...

If I find an empty bottle at home, I usualy collect them and when I have enough of them (five-seven), I carry the bottels to the neighbour´s house where the bottles are painted. Then the waste glass get´s it´s new meaning!

Jure H.

Unknown said...

Well, well.

I think I have found out some of you are quite cruel. It is perfect for my new servents.

Here is my offer. Join me or die.

And while I am here, I might aswell tell you what have I done with the bottle that Graine forgot when he died.

Nothing. I left it there.

Lord Dakar

Argos said...

One day I've decided to clean up the attic. After a few hours of cleaning i've found an empty bottle, that was painted very nicely. I didn't know where to put it. I've decided to put it on an auction. And the money earned by selling the bottle would go for charity. Matjaž Mohorič

Unknown said...

Once I found a bottle and at first I didn’t know what to do with it. But then I remember, I can use it for lots of things. So I take that bottle home and use fore watering flowers.

Miha H.

M!h4 said...

Dominik why do you need new workers ? ? ? :)

Oh and you can always start collecting different bottles(shapes, sizes...). You would be suprised how many different bottles are polluting our world

LukaOsterc said...

If I found a bottle I would use it for wine or I would decorate it or throw it to a basket for bottles.

dean said...

One day I and my friends went to search an old loneliness house. It was dirty and dusty. We search if there was something a valuable thing. We found an old torn sofa. Then friend saw a box. It was all dusty and closed. So we opened the box and there were beautiful bottles. We toke them from the box and just gaze on. They were painted with beautiful colours. Then we toke some bottles and ran home.

by Dejan Kne

Amir C. said...

One day I was swimming with my friends in the sea. I saw a bottle with paper next to me. I take the letter and read it. Some person needed a help. I called the police and the person who needed a help was saved.

janezinho said...


I found a bottle on the beach I was very suprised to find. It was big and brown and inside of it there was a message. I took the bottle home and painted it and decorated it. Then I wrote a love latter to my girlfriend and put it in the bottle. Then I gave this to her as a gift.

Janez Pfeifer

Luka said...

Now when I found a bottle and the man was rescued I can kept it or throw it away.
I decided to kept it because that reminds me that I helped somebody and one family is happy because of me.
I put this message in a frame and put it on the wall. I put it in the hole that I can always remember when I pas by that I helped somebody and that I am a good Person. Now when I have a family I told them several times what happen and what did I do and they love to listen me and my story. They are proud of me.

Luka Kordež

Unknown said...

One day I went diving with my friend and suddenly he saw a bottle. He tried to get it, but he was afraid to touch it, because it was very dirty. So I had a courage to pull it out of the water. When I bought it home I cleaned it and I couldnt belive it what I saw. The bottle wasmade from gold so I decided to sell it for a lot of money. From that time I pick up everything that looks at least little dirty.

matejsušnik said...

One day I was drinking on the beach. Then I threw the bottle away and went home. When I came home I went to sleep. I was dreaming how the bottle kills. Suddenly I woke up and went in the kitchen. I came in the kitchen and found the bottle that I threw away. I was scared and I didn't know what to do. Then I smashed it and until now she has never showed again.

Nejc said...

If a found a bottle, I probably pick up the bottle and if the bottle look old.
I probably went to near history shop and sell it.
Money that I get it from bottle, I’ll use for a adventure trip.

gregahafner said...

If I found a bottle I would take it home and painted it like vase.Then I would go found some flowers and put them into vase.

valuk said...

If I found a bottle, I would create a wind instrument. I would blow in the bottle and make a music. If I get more different bottles I could create many sounds.

gašper tušek.

Anonymous said...

I will use it for the game the bottle of truth, so me and my friends will have a good time.

Anonymous said...

What would I do, if I would found that bottle ? At first, I would take a closer look at it.Then, I would probably take it home not only as souvenir, but also as a message to me. I think it would also make a great candle stand…

Tomaž M. 3.Ra